Poetry Happening Near You

Our first year

Our first year

Did you know
That it has been exactly one year
Since we first spoke?
It had rained, just enough to stir
The scent of fresh cut grass into the air
And you were wearing red,
Bright and warm and brazenly seductive,
Without a hint of comprehension
Of the effect you had on me.
You smiled, and asked to sit
And I was so beguiled
That I barely had the power to utter my response.
The bus pulled away and we spent the remaining journey
In comfortable silence,
Relishing the moment we had finally met.
In all the years beforehand, and in the year since
No more words have ever passed between us,
But we will always share our anniversary,
It doesn’t matter
That I don’t even know your name.

Dale Parnell

Dale Parnell

About this poem

Every year, Poetry on Loan runs a poetry competition, free to enter, for people who live, work or study in the West Midlands. In 2019our theme was Anniversary. 

Dale Parnell, who wrote Our first year, lives in Staffordshire with his wife and their imaginary dog, Moriarty. He considers himself a short story writer firstly, but has been writing more and more poetry since he rediscovered his love for it a couple of years ago. He says:

I was really interested in the Poetry on Loan competition and I am a big supporter of local libraries. I wanted to try and write something a little unusual, and I love coming up wth stories and poems that are slightly ambiguous, something where you don't know if it's sweet or creepy. I'm honoured that my poem has been selected for the shortlist!

You can find Dale on Facebook at www.facebook.com/shortfictionauthor